You may know her as Hillary or Carly or Elizabeth but her real name is Eve. All women carry that label in the subjective realm of our collective unconscious.
The allegorical tale of Adam and Eve has been misinterpreted, misunderstood and accepted as an irrefutable condemnation of the Feminine, which has resulted in the subjugation of women in almost every culture on earth. The rights of women were not included in the founding documents of America because we were considered creatures, not full humans.
Eve represents the bitch, the temptress, the siren that caused the Fall of Man (men). She listens to the serpent (the devil). She makes it impossible for men to control their impulses. Therefore, at the risk of oversimplification, she is the cause of her own rape. Some cultures will stone her to death for it while in the west she is humiliated, not believed and portrayed as a whore or a careless twit.
Because of the belief that she is dangerous to men, she is to be feared, denigrated, controlled and kept imprisoned in the darker recesses of our awareness. Hence, throw a Burka over her head (or a glass ceiling) and pretend she is not there, except to be used at will.
Eve is actually the Feminine Principle, the other half of God, if you will, that which is so tragically missing in our constructed reality. She is the organizer, the relationship energy. She includes all sentient beings in her decision-making. She is for life, not death. She thinks long term. She is the tempering force that the masculine needs to be authentic.
The masculinity in our midst is not the true masculine power. That is not to say the true masculine cannot be seen in some men in our world. He is the one who is balanced with his feminine nature. Barack Obama is such a man. He is strong and decisive yet tends to include and organize as a way to empower others. He is the perfect example of yin and yang in right relationship. His wife, Michelle is also perfectly balanced. A sharp lawyer, quick thinking and unafraid to voice her opinion, she is also caring, compassionate and eager to help the world’s children, who will one day be our leaders.
There are many such people but they are rarely in international positions of leadership. The fact that we elected Mr. Obama is a good sign that we are subjectively moving in the right direction. At this point it is not about what Mr. Obama has done or his politics, but the person he is. He is the unflappable feminine in charge of the powerful masculine within himself. Jimmy Carter was such a man, way ahead of his time.
The addition of the Feminine Principle into our awareness as needed and necessary is a threat to those in power. When she awakens in us, male or female, she demands the true masculine to be her partner. This means a laying down of emotional weapons and the opening up of our higher intelligence in dialogue and shared vision. The Feminine will not send her sons into armed conflict for profit and that is a concern to the unevolved masculine who thinks war is a good solution to human problems or more likely, a way to line his pockets. The true masculine knows that is no longer a viable option. He knows there is enough of everything for everybody and it is a matter of distribution.
The question is not “are we ready for a woman president? The question is, “do any of these women candidates have their Feminine power in balance with the masculine that they have had to adopt to get where they are?
We do not need an Iron Maiden. We do not need a gun-toting warrior with a vagina. We need a clear thinking, heart-centered leader who will consider the long term ramifications of her decisions. We need a president who will gather the collected wisdom of the “family” and make use of it, regardless of where it originates. The feminine is a ‘big picture’ consciousness.
During this time of climate change and the ecological breakdown of natural systems, we need the vision of “the mother.” Whether this comes in the physical form of a male or female is not relevant. When Adam embraces Eve as his full partner, we just might be able to restore our world to the Garden it was and could be again. We will never reach our true potential until Eve is allowed to take to her rightful place in our self-image. The answer is not either masculine or feminine, one to the exclusion of the other.It is wholeness in the form of men and women.
The allegorical tale of Adam and Eve has been misinterpreted, misunderstood and accepted as an irrefutable condemnation of the Feminine, which has resulted in the subjugation of women in almost every culture on earth. The rights of women were not included in the founding documents of America because we were considered creatures, not full humans.
Eve represents the bitch, the temptress, the siren that caused the Fall of Man (men). She listens to the serpent (the devil). She makes it impossible for men to control their impulses. Therefore, at the risk of oversimplification, she is the cause of her own rape. Some cultures will stone her to death for it while in the west she is humiliated, not believed and portrayed as a whore or a careless twit.
Because of the belief that she is dangerous to men, she is to be feared, denigrated, controlled and kept imprisoned in the darker recesses of our awareness. Hence, throw a Burka over her head (or a glass ceiling) and pretend she is not there, except to be used at will.
Eve is actually the Feminine Principle, the other half of God, if you will, that which is so tragically missing in our constructed reality. She is the organizer, the relationship energy. She includes all sentient beings in her decision-making. She is for life, not death. She thinks long term. She is the tempering force that the masculine needs to be authentic.
The masculinity in our midst is not the true masculine power. That is not to say the true masculine cannot be seen in some men in our world. He is the one who is balanced with his feminine nature. Barack Obama is such a man. He is strong and decisive yet tends to include and organize as a way to empower others. He is the perfect example of yin and yang in right relationship. His wife, Michelle is also perfectly balanced. A sharp lawyer, quick thinking and unafraid to voice her opinion, she is also caring, compassionate and eager to help the world’s children, who will one day be our leaders.
There are many such people but they are rarely in international positions of leadership. The fact that we elected Mr. Obama is a good sign that we are subjectively moving in the right direction. At this point it is not about what Mr. Obama has done or his politics, but the person he is. He is the unflappable feminine in charge of the powerful masculine within himself. Jimmy Carter was such a man, way ahead of his time.
The addition of the Feminine Principle into our awareness as needed and necessary is a threat to those in power. When she awakens in us, male or female, she demands the true masculine to be her partner. This means a laying down of emotional weapons and the opening up of our higher intelligence in dialogue and shared vision. The Feminine will not send her sons into armed conflict for profit and that is a concern to the unevolved masculine who thinks war is a good solution to human problems or more likely, a way to line his pockets. The true masculine knows that is no longer a viable option. He knows there is enough of everything for everybody and it is a matter of distribution.
The question is not “are we ready for a woman president? The question is, “do any of these women candidates have their Feminine power in balance with the masculine that they have had to adopt to get where they are?
We do not need an Iron Maiden. We do not need a gun-toting warrior with a vagina. We need a clear thinking, heart-centered leader who will consider the long term ramifications of her decisions. We need a president who will gather the collected wisdom of the “family” and make use of it, regardless of where it originates. The feminine is a ‘big picture’ consciousness.
During this time of climate change and the ecological breakdown of natural systems, we need the vision of “the mother.” Whether this comes in the physical form of a male or female is not relevant. When Adam embraces Eve as his full partner, we just might be able to restore our world to the Garden it was and could be again. We will never reach our true potential until Eve is allowed to take to her rightful place in our self-image. The answer is not either masculine or feminine, one to the exclusion of the other.It is wholeness in the form of men and women.